
STATS 506 - Computational Methods and Tools in Statistics

This page contains files to my projects and course work from STATS 506 (Fall 2018)

STATS 504 - Practice and Communication in Applied Statistics

This page contains files to my projects and course work from STATS 504 (Fall 2019)

EECS 545 - Machine Learning

This page contains files to my projects and course work from EECS 545 (Fall 2019)

STATS 503 - Statistical Learning II: Multivariate Analysis

This page contains files to my projects and course work from STATS 503 (Winter 2020)

STATS 509 - Statistical Models and Methods for Financial Data

This page contains files to my projects and course work from STATS 509 (Winter 2020)

STATS 531 - Modeling and Analysis of Time Series Data

This page contains files to my projects and course work from STATS 531 (Winter 2020)

STATS 551 - Topics in Bayesian Modeling and Computation

This page contains files to my projects and course work from STATS 551 (Winter 2020)